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wow sychotic juvenile

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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:49 pm

I remember listening to a comedy skit on the radio in Sydney

it was about someone who was too big for their boots

how appropriate Rolling Eyes

you think you're something don't you?

grow a little humility Exclamation

uppity by name, uppity by nature

yes, we realise that you are intelligent, funny, absolutely hilarious etc etc

but it's a bit much for me to have to deal with your arrogant crap all the time.....

get in touch with your sensitive side Wink
Endlessly Fascinating

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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:01 pm

blue moon wrote:
I have never understood Yeats cheers
I have never understood Yeats cheers
I have never understood Yeats cheers

...oh glory of glories what a fabulous learning experience I am in for flower

it's a fact - you'll never understand Yeats

I could translate tinkers at the front door

or quizzical poetic madness

but, you in all your poetic glory, would never understand Ireland

you'd never understand the moss (Irish moss) and Irish rocks and bogs and streams and all the tragic beauty.......and the immense sense of madness that being Irish instills in you

and the tragic self-hatred......the juxtaposition of being clever and the object of universal ridicule.........

sure, you think you do, but that's because you're soon as you stop being arrogant you might have a chance

I really have a feeling that you think 'the deep heart's core' means something to

you'll never get it - cos you are the opposite of're arrogant and boastful

Last edited by Catherine on Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
Endlessly Fascinating

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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  Guest Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:04 pm

... I am holding my rapier wit in check in order not to appear cruel.


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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:07 pm

blue moon wrote:... I am holding my rapier wit in check in order not to appear cruel.

no, you should give your wonderful wit leash......

you're obviously some kind of genius -

I'm really sorry that I didn't realise that before

it's my fault.......I realise that your rapier wit is something that really needs to let itself go

I can't wait to see the results Smile
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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:09 pm

blue moon wrote:... I am holding my rapier wit in check in order not to appear cruel.

appearing cruel is so incidental......

you are the heart and soul of kindness....ehheheheh......not even a hint of ego

I can't see what possible advantage you would get in being cruel

apart from that kind of schadenfreude that nobody approves of
Endlessly Fascinating

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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  Guest Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:11 pm

...let's just let it go.


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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  eddie Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:11 pm

William Butler Yeats was a deranged crypto-Fascist occultist who had himself injected with monkey-gland extract in a Swiss clinic in order to enhance his sexual prowess.

Two slates short of a Tower roof.

He also happened to have a sublime ear.

It's not necessarily about being Irish, at all; it's about having a sensitivity to/appreciation of the beauty of the spoken word- whatever your nationality or ethnic background.

Last edited by eddie on Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Gap Minder

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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:15 pm

well, that's just your opinion

I really don't think that everyone can jump on teh Yeats' bandwagon and get all sentimental about the deep heart's core

that is a peculiarly Irish idea and feeling

it's an Irish thang - yo

if you think it's not then you're either not aware of what being Irish really means (Eddie)

or you're some kind of arrogant shithead that likes to post poetry to reflect your own ginormous ego (Moony)
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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  Guest Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:28 pm

...well Cath, you're a longstanding member of ACU and have developed relationships with the other posters.
I'm new and regarded with suspicion and will be under scrutiny for quite some time.
There's a power imbalance here and you abuse it by having appalling manners and negligable self-control.


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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:29 pm

eddie wrote:William Butler Yeats was a deranged crypto-Fascist occultist who had himself injected with monkey-gland extract in a Swiss clinic in order to enhance his sexual prowess.

Two slates short of a Tower roof.

He also happened to have a sublime ear.

It's not necessarily about being Irish, at all; it's about having a sensitivity to/appreciation of the beauty of the spoken word- whatever your nationality or ethnic background.

quite true - Yeats is everyman - nothing Irish about him.......just a function of universal truth

hate to break it to you

Yeats is Irish....that means something to us......that means something

you can't just appropriate our writers and cut them off from the real meaning

of course, you can if you want to

but Yeats is Irish - I'm Irish.......if it means I'm stupid or beautiful it doesn't matter

whatever it means - there is meaning in being Irish
Endlessly Fascinating

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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:32 pm

blue moon wrote:
...well Cath, you're a longstanding member of ACU and have developed relationships with the other posters.
I'm new and regarded with suspicion and will be under scrutiny for quite some time.
There's a power imbalance here and you abuse it by having appalling manners and negligable self-control.

grow some balls - I've always been this way

you're fukking too cocky for my liking

perhaps you should send a letter to 'those it may concern'

you've been getting in my craw since you turned up with your arrogant shit

I'm being myself - you're being some kind of idea of an intellect......good for's very convincing with your moribund hehehe.....just wanted to use that word cos I like it.......not really moribund......just your arrogant shit........

don't go all weak at the

I think you should get your rapier wit....heheheh.....involved.......but please don't be too cruel

basically I don't like you
Endlessly Fascinating

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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:51 pm

and when I say I don't like you, I mean it from the bottom of my heart

you're a kind of wriggling type of worm

not my cup of tea......

I'm sure you're a genius - you really have convinced me

but don't pretend to understand the truth of being Irish

because you just seem stupid

most of the time you're an unsurpassable font of incredible intelligence - quite incomprehensible humour and other crap

you'll never understand beauty

because you have an intellectual conception of beauty which you like to project in order for people to realise your incredible intelligence and humour

but that's not beauty, it's not sadness, or anything akin to truth

it's just showing off

take a look in the mirror

you have an idea of yourself that is far from the think you appreciate beauty but it's just a conduit for you to demonstrate your 'intellect' or your hard-earned intelligence

I'm not interested in the image you wish to project.......or the person you're trying to be.....

your endless poetry posts don't convince me - as far as I'm concerned the main point is to prove how intelligent you are.....well, you are but that's not beauty that's ugly

that is the opposite of Yeats......that's ugliness........and I might be wrong but you're just a show off

you've been swept away by some image you have of yourself

but some people (me for example) don't subscribe to bullshit

you fancy yourself as some kind of amusing witty intellectual with a 'deep' appreciation of poetry

as far as I can tell you're a complete ass and you don't fool me.......

how you have managed to fool yourself so long is a feat that only you can explain

I like Dharma because she's genuinely clever

I like Eddie because he's erudite.....and full on shithouse intelligent (well-read like Dharma)

I like RueRue cos she's bitchin'

I like Tats because she's lovely and really gets you back to reality.......although I think she is trying to escape it at the same time

I don't like you - because all you've done since you've turned up here is tried to prove a prove your intelligence, your wit, and your appreciation of poetry.....and your so-called poetic credentials........means nothing to me

you can take all that and stick it up your ass - I don't like you

I like Nash for reasons that are self-evident.......

I'll say it once and I'll say it again - I don't like you

I never liked fakes - all my life I've swum against the tide......good for me, I hear you say

but I can still pick the fakes

Last edited by Catherine on Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:16 am; edited 2 times in total
Endlessly Fascinating

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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  eddie Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:56 pm

wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Jack-b-yeats-liffey-swim
Liffey Swim- Jack B Yeats.
The Gap Minder

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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  Guest Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:57 pm

So then. Blick. Computer says 'look'.


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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:21 am

are you deaf?

so yeah move along nothing to see here

go screw yourself

which is obviously not out of character for you

as soon as you stop pretending to be some kind of intellectual genius.....

changed my mind

it's quite amusing - please continue

oh, how could I forget the years of trauma you have endured when nobody could translate the poem quite to your satisfaction

silly me

get to it you have a real reason.....a real point........

oh, I do hope it's an object of beauty worthy of our famous phony - I really hope you can get the meaning across - you know I hope you can....
Endlessly Fascinating

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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:28 am

google it

or ogle it......I don't care about pathetic Germans who are sympathetic to Jews

trying to find the right word to placate stupid Australian women

but I'm guessing it would be see or something

oh, fuk, I really hope we're not gonna have a blow by blow account

of Sexy SJ's efforts to fulfill the lovely Moony's whims and desires.......

but if we do, I can adapt to it

like I said she's a minor irritant.....possibly quite the pearl......(that is so fukking hilarious I almost feel as victorious as Panty Fukwit)

yeah, she's a real

I'm glad SJ takes her siriously

Last edited by Catherine on Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:46 am

I was wondering when you would get on my ass about it.........

did you like the Chris de Burgh video of Old Friend.......?

I just don't like her

but if you think I'm being a silly Irish woman

I'm willing to be convinced......

but it takes generations in Ireland to get to the truth of the matter

don't expect me to get all friendly

she just seems like some kind of fake person that is trying to make herself out as a genius a wit and some kind of just like, sorry, how can I say it......she's not genuine......she's fake.....she's got her poems......

oh, I don't know....I don't like her

not worried about you being fooled by it.......and by 'it' I mean the bullshit

I'm easily, yeah, she's great........

I can't wait for her cruel rapier of wit Razz

even Pinz in his hey day was nivvir that stupid
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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:06 am

Spaghetti Junction wrote:Googling was a good idea actually, Cath. There's nobody who hasn't translated it, it seems.

But didn't I read here the other day that people used to just post "Rant #12" or sth? Why not do it that way, Cath? I really don't know what Moony did to deserve your attack.

I've never been worried about being the prey

I often hope I am targeted......and I often am....

I have no idea about Rant # means absolutely nothing to me

the reason I haven't been banned........or posted my

is because I'm a genuine American product

and by that I mean I'm a lying Irish bitch

take your pick

either or both of them means I'm honest.......hehehee

as far as that can be the flagrant horrible awful racist society that we have chosen against our will to live in

I don't like her - she's a bit of a cocky bitch with an attitude.....and some kind of chip on her shoulder that keeps hinting to her that she's an intellectual.....and Christ Almighty a wit.......and all these delusions she has carefully developed.......I'm not falling for that....because I'm not a fool.....

end of story
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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:12 am

Spaghetti Junction wrote:Fair enough, Cath. I don't know why you think what you think about Moony. I like her as a poster. I have no idea what she's like as a person, and I don't care too much, I have to say. I will only get angry if people start scheming. None of that has happened here so far.

I'm interested in poetry and translation, so I will bloody well respond when someone raises the topic. I remember you were quite happy when Moony joined a few weeks ago. I don't know what the problem is now; I don't get it.

Anyways, scanned through the translations at the link I posted. From my perspective, this is the one:

The Panther
translation by Auvi Chakder

His eyes, from passing on the bars around him
have grown so weary, they no longer see.
It seems as if a thousand bars surround him,
beyond those thousand bars, no world will be.

The supple turnout of his sturdy treading,
which in the slimmest circling gesture lands,
is like a dance of strength around a threading
in which a mighty will, gone numb, now stands.

Just sometimes lift the curtains of his sensing,
up soundlessly – an image enters in,
and passes through the body's silent tensing –
ends at the heart, and dies within.

It's the only one that doesn't sound jarring to me, because it's the only one that manages to keep to the rhyme scheme and the rhythm of the original - and for me the rhythm is what makes the poem work.

I've never been much of a liar - and I'm sorry to say I hardly understand's not like I'm much of a puzzle

but I am honest

it would be quite pitiful of me to be envious of Moony (PowerPete and Moony sitting in a tree - K.I.S.S.I.N.G)

I would feel very pathetic if that was the case......

I sincerely hope I have not ridiculed a valuable member of the forum with my insinuations

simply because I was jealous - but it wouldn't be out of character

I'm a problem that doesn't need to be solved

I'm a plague that needs to be eradicated Embarassed

I say that now, but tomorrow I will deny it........ cheers

in other words, Moony, I'm contrite......I apologise.......I was very enthusiastic about my defamation

but I realise it mostly arises from some kind of insecurity

you go, girl - you're intelligent and beautiful.......(I'm the bitch in this matter)

I'm glad we got that sorted out and I hope no real hurt was inflicted or perceived......

I achieve most things I set out to do.......but being hateful is not usually one of them Smile

Last edited by Catherine on Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:25 am; edited 1 time in total
Endlessly Fascinating

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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:30 am

Spaghetti Junction wrote:Everything's fine then, right?

What pisses me off though is that there seems to be no chance for me to bring about some great tearful reconciliation. Damn, that would have been my first great triumph as a mod. Sad

here, mate, I got confessional , I got contrite.....I fell on my sword

what the hell do you want me to do.........?

I don't see your swoony moony half near like that shit......hehheeh......I'm just trying to amuse myself cos I'm so embarrassed........

nobody pays me to be honest.......I'm not convinced it's worth it.....

shit I hate being so really does me in

suddenly I'm not right

suddenly I'm stupid

suddenly I'm an ass

but in all honesty Moony - I was just jealous

I hate being so's so embarrassing....... Embarassed

Last edited by Catherine on Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:33 am; edited 1 time in total
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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  ISN Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:54 am

pinhedz wrote:
Catherine wrote: ... even Pinz in his hey day was nivvir that stupid
Was I at least close?

And when was my hey day?

Pinz you've never even come close to your hey day of stupidity......

you've always been disarmingly honest

most people think you're stupid when you're honest.......

they're probably right

your hey day of stupidity was when you

I don't know just when you at some point in time

cut out the crap

that was your hey day of stupidity

just when you decided to be something that you always were

your adorable self......

I had to listen to my friend Rob tell me tonight that there's something about a woman that transcends prettiness

I think he was trying to convince me that I'm beautiful.......

because of my attitude, teh words I choose, my indignation, myself

you'll always be teh Pinz to me....

and I think I should go to bed.....hehehehe

(meet you in a tent sometime in the future)
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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  Guest Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:51 am

I just woke up.

Thanks for the translation sj. I'll read it shortly. I have translations from A. S. Kline, Albert Ernest Flemming, and a friend. The translation from my friend surpasses the other two.

You're just a bully Catherine. When you and Jolene attacked me when I first joined it just floored me. It never will again.

To rid myself of my anger and disgust I actually did write that incantation poem. It's called Harpies and it's for you and Jolene. You rate a mention as Celaeno. Jolene is Aello. It's a very good poem I think.

So see, girl, you are useful for something after all.


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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  Guest Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:30 am

Spaghetti Junction wrote:
blue moon wrote:
So then. Blick. Computer says 'look'.
Won't work, though, I think. It's the expression Rilke sees in the panther's eyes, the way he looks out of them. Can that be expressed by 'look' in English? I was thinking 'eye' or 'eyes'.



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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  Guest Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:49 pm worries... cheers


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wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Empty Re: wow sychotic juvenile

Post  Guest Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:21 pm

...note to self. Don't cross post. Very Happy

Here's a pretty picture to celebrate the group hug;

wow sychotic juvenile - Page 2 Normal_Blake-Oberon-Titania-Puck-w-Fairies-Dancing-sj

Last edited by blue moon on Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:39 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : reposted picture)


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