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UK electrical retailers Currys and PC World are in trouble

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UK electrical retailers Currys and PC World are in trouble Empty UK electrical retailers Currys and PC World are in trouble

Post  eddie Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:13 pm

I'm not in the least bit surprised to read that these firms are struggling; they must be the WORST STORES IN THE COUNTRY.

On actually finding a member of staff in the aircraft hanger that is the PC World store in Stepney Green one feels rather like Stanley meeting Livingstone in darkest Africa:

"Dr Livingstone, I presume?"

And when you DO find someone to talk to, it turns out that the item in which you're interested (displayed on the shelf for all to see) is NOT IN STOCK.

I don't know what kind of lousy wages the staff in both stores are on, but all they're interested in is the commission they must get for selling you a warranty you don't want or need. They all seem to be students in their late teens or early 20's who are obviously only interested in making a few quid to supplement their studies and getting out of there as fast as they can.

I've had the worst retail experiences of my life in these places.


Currys' owner issues profits alert

Press Association

Mar 30th 2011

UK electrical retailers Currys and PC World are in trouble Currys182

The owner of Currys and PC World has issued its second profits alert in as many months after worsening trading conditions saw sales tumble 11%.

Dixons Retail said the like-for-like sales plunge across the UK and Ireland came as consumer confidence weakened more than expected following a difficult Christmas.

It warned underlying profits for the year to April 30 were now expected at around £85 million and outlined an action plan to deal with the dire trading, including potentially pulling out of Spain and further cost cutting across the group.

Dixons said it saw little option but to close its 34-strong chain across Spain - a move that would affect 1,200 staff.

It is now launching a consultation process as it reviews the business, which is making losses of around £5 million a year.

Dixons is also ramping up its cost-cutting by another £50 million for the next three years, but said there would be no new store closures planned in the UK, where it employs around 20,000 people.

Its sales decline for the 11 weeks to March 26 marks a significant deterioration on the 4% slide seen over Christmas, although it believes it outperformed even bigger falls in the wider consumer electronics market.

Dixons said it was unlikely trading conditions would improve as household budgets come under pressure, citing the VAT hike.

John Browett, chief executive, said: "In a difficult market we have to do what we can to help ourselves. In the UK where we have this period of tough trading, we have to show real grit and determination."

He added the group would focus on self-help measures in the UK to try to offset the sales pressure without impacting its store revamp plans.

The Gap Minder

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