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tonight I wrote something to submit - I have a question

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tonight I wrote something to submit - I have a question Empty tonight I wrote something to submit - I have a question

Post  ISN Fri May 13, 2011 3:08 am

for those who are interested, tonight I happened upon a site that has a writing competition deadline 20th May

the length of submissions is between 1,000-3,000 words.......

it's supposed to be a short story......

I just wrote something autobiographical over 1,000 words on the prescribed theme, but is it a short story

what I mean is does a short story have to be fictional?

a quote from its home page about the site itself and the writing it highlights

Literature is used here as an inclusive term which embraces fictional writing in general.

should I submit it and be damned....heheheh.....?

or should I somehow make the piece seem to be fictional - even though I've written it all in the first person?

any thoughts would be welcome......Smile

if I wrote 1,000 words every night for 70 night, I would have a book.......... study

Last edited by Catherine on Fri May 13, 2011 3:34 am; edited 1 time in total
Endlessly Fascinating

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tonight I wrote something to submit - I have a question Empty Re: tonight I wrote something to submit - I have a question

Post  Dick Fitzwell Fri May 13, 2011 3:17 am

Who's gonna know it's not fictional? You know lots of fiction is written in first person, right?

Dick Fitzwell

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tonight I wrote something to submit - I have a question Empty Re: tonight I wrote something to submit - I have a question

Post  ISN Fri May 13, 2011 3:21 am

ah, McCain, you've done it again.......

so you really think they wouldn't guess it's true

there's so much verisimilitude and sincerity....heheheh......about it......

jeez, I don't know

just saw your post SJ......I think I shall publish and be damned.....heheheh

I will tidy it up a bit.....just wrote it off the cuff.......language is slightly stilted.....Wink

I'm pretty glad to have found a goal to get me started.......

I'll see what happens.......

thanks, guys Smile

I wrote 5 A4 single-spaced lucid and descriptive pages - I'm pretty happy about that - today has been a lesson in the beauty of the disrobing of hidden fortuity

I learnt quite a bit about Van Gogh too and am only getting started on Karl Marx
Endlessly Fascinating

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tonight I wrote something to submit - I have a question Empty Re: tonight I wrote something to submit - I have a question

Post  Guest Fri May 13, 2011 10:39 am

submit it and good luck.


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tonight I wrote something to submit - I have a question Empty Re: tonight I wrote something to submit - I have a question

Post  ISN Sat May 14, 2011 1:09 am

thanks Smile
Endlessly Fascinating

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