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Tribute to Woody Guthrie

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Tribute to Woody Guthrie Empty Tribute to Woody Guthrie

Post  Lee Van Queef Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:14 pm

Dylan played a few songs at this, I used to have them, but now I don't. Any chance someone here could post them for me (or MP me)? I seem to remember him playing with the Band 'Dear Mrs. Roosevelt', 'I Ain't Got No Home', I can't remember the others.

Lee Van Queef
Lee Van Queef

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Join date : 2011-04-15

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Tribute to Woody Guthrie Empty Re: Tribute to Woody Guthrie

Post  felix Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:02 pm

As far as I know he did 3 songs - those 2 plus Grand Coulee Dam. If you MP me your email addy, I'll see if I can send you the mp3s.
cool cat - mrkgnao!

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